In 2017, Telegram, a messaging app with over 400 million active monthly users, announced a new project called Telegram Open Network, or TON. TON was to be a blockchain platform providing payment via
On the 20th of May 2020, 40 and later ten more Bitcoin were sent from a wallet that has been dormant since 2009. The transfer sparked rumours that the protocol's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, had retur
On the 21st of April, the Dutch parliament approved a law that would change its current national AML laws. The change would bring companies involved in cryptocurrency under the supervision of the Du
In advance to the upcoming Bitcoin halving, interest in the subject has grown to numbers never seen before. The previous record of people searching for information about the halving was set back in
Telegram is a great communication platform for Coinmerce to engage with its users. Therefor some time ago we have decided to launch the official Coinmerce Community channel. Unfortunately, ther
Canaan, a China-based bitcoin mining equipment manufacturer, listed on the Nasdaq, filed its financial reports for 2019 with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The report showed that revenue ha