Why has my bank verification been rejected?

Bank verification is a crucial step in ensuring the security and compliance of your transactions on Coinmerce. However, there are several reasons why your bank verification could be rejected:

Name mismatch
The name registered on the bank account does not match the name registered on the Coinmerce account. Ensure that the names are identical to avoid rejection.

Business account
The bank account is a business account instead of a personal account. Coinmerce only allows personal accounts to be linked. If you attempt to link a business account, it will be rejected.

​Missing Payment Reference:
There was no payment reference attached to the payment. Always include the required payment reference to ensure your transaction is correctly identified and processed.

Shared bank account
The bank account is a shared account with your partner. In such cases, contact the Coinmerce support department for assistance. They may still approve the shared account after verification.