Why has my ID verification been rejected?

To ensure your verification process goes smoothly on Coinmerce, follow these guidelines for submitting your identification documents and participating in the verification video:

Document Submission Guidelines

Use a Photo, Not a Scan:
Do not use a scanned document. Instead, take a clear photo of your passport, ID card, or driving license.

​Clarity and Legibility:
Ensure that the entire document is clearly visible and all details are legible in the photo.

Make sure the document you are submitting is still valid and not expired.

Video Verification Guidelines

​Look into the Camera:
During the verification video, look directly into the camera.

​Face Visibility:
Ensure your entire face is clearly visible in the video. Good lighting can help make sure your face is not obscured.

​Document Validity:
Confirm that the document you present during the video is still valid.