There is currently a lot of fear and uncertainty in the financial markets, which is caused by Russia‘s invasion of Ukraine. At first, cryptocurrencies seemed to suffer a lot from this situat
Intel Corporation, a giant in computer chip manufacturing, has announced details about a new mining chip that will be paired with a powerful 3,600-watt Bitcoin miner, with the ultimate goal of imp
Over the past week, it seemed that Bitcoin (BTC) and altcoins had found their way back up after a minor consolidation, but interest rate fears, among other things, caused a significant drop yester
The cryptocurrency market kicks off the week in a green fashion. After the resurgence of Bitcoin (BTC) last week (February 7 to 13, 2022), it subsequently reentered a small downtrend along with th
A lot is happening in the crypto industry and sometimes it can be a lot to take in all of it. The past week has also seen several interesting news items, which may be important to be aware of. So
Bloomberg recently published a report about the future of Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies. According to the report, Bitcoin may soon be rising a lot in value, despite the crash earlier th