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Top 10 AI Coins 2024 

Top 10 AI Coins 2024 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Coins are digital currencies specifically aimed at supporting and promoting AI technologies and applications. From decentralized networks for autonomous economic agents to privacy-focused cloud computing platforms and decentralized data marketplaces, these AI coins come together to form the building blocks of a decentralized and innovative AI ecosystem.

Do you want to know more about AI Coins? We have compiled the Top 10 AI Coins of 2024 for you. So keep reading!

1. (FET) is a decentralized network that focuses on providing autonomous economic agents (AEAs) to perform complex tasks. The project aims to improve the efficiency and productivity of various sectors such as transportation, logistics, and energy. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning, AEAs can operate autonomously and make real-time decisions. This allows for more efficient use of resources and cost reduction. utilizes blockchain technology to provide a secure and transparent environment for the interaction between AEAs and other participants in the network.

FET, the token of, plays a crucial role in the project's ecosystem. FET is used as a means of payment for the services and resources offered by the platform. It serves as an incentive for participants to develop and deploy AEAs. The token also has governance, giving holders the opportunity to vote on the future of the project.

2. The Graph (GRT)

The Graph is a decentralized protocol that focuses on indexing and querying data on the blockchain. The project aims to increase the accessibility of blockchain data through efficient queries and subgraph development. Using the Graph Network, developers can easily index data sources on the blockchain and execute queries to retrieve specific information. This is essential for the development of dApps that require reliable and up-to-date data. The Graph provides a scalable and decentralized ecosystem that facilitates the development of dApps on Ethereum and other blockchains.

The GRT token allows users to pay for data querying on the Graph Network. GRT is also used as a reward for network participants such as indexers and curators. Indexers play a role in indexing data and earn GRT as a reward for their contribution. Curators play a role in validating published subgraphs and also earn GRT as a reward.

3. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN)

Ocean Protocol is a decentralized data marketplace platform that focuses on sharing, trading, and connecting data. The project aims to create an open and fair ecosystem where individuals and businesses can share data. Using blockchain technology, Ocean Protocol allows users to securely and transparently share data sources while maintaining full control over their own data. This opens up new opportunities for data-intensive industries such as healthcare, finance, and artificial intelligence to derive value from data and develop innovative applications.

With OCEAN, users can buy and sell data, creating a decentralized and efficient marketplace. Data providers on the network are rewarded in the form of OCEAN tokens for sharing their data.

4. iExec RLC (RLC)

iExec RLC (RLC) is a decentralized cloud computing platform that focuses on providing scalable and secure computing power. The project aims to create a marketplace for sharing and trading computer resources, allowing users to access shared computing power, data storage, and applications. Using blockchain technology, iExec RLC provides a decentralized and trusted environment where users can offer their unused computer resources for others to utilize. This opens up new possibilities for the development of dApps and makes it more efficient and cost-effective to perform complex computations.

The token of iExec RLC (RLC) plays a significant role within the project's ecosystem. RLC serves as a payment method to access the computer resources on the iExec platform. Users can use RLC to rent computing power, obtain data storage, or access specific applications. Additionally, RLC is used as a reward for network participants such as validators and stakers. Validators play a role in validating transactions and earn RLC as a reward, while stakers can stake RLC to keep the network secure and stable.


VIDT DAO is a decentralized platform that focuses on verifying and certifying digital content. The project aims to ensure the integrity and authenticity of digital files such as documents, images, and videos. Using blockchain technology, digital files are hashed and stored on the blockchain, making them immutable and traceable. VIDT DAO provides a solution for certifying digital content, making it easier to verify authenticity and prevent fraud. This is of great importance in various sectors such as art, supply chain, and legal documentation.

The VIDT token serves as a means of payment for certifying and verifying digital files on the platform. Users can use VIDT to have their digital content certified and obtain proof of authenticity. Additionally, VIDT is used as a governance token within the VIDT DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) system. VIDT holders can participate in decision-making processes and contribute to the platform's development.

6. Covalent (CQT)

Covalent is a decentralized data analysis platform that focuses on providing accessible and comprehensive blockchain data. The project aims to provide developers and users of dApps with powerful analytics capabilities for blockchain data. Using advanced queries and indexing techniques, Covalent offers a wealth of actionable information about transactions, addresses, contracts, and other relevant data on various blockchains. This allows users to perform in-depth analysis, identify trends, and make better decisions within the decentralized ecosystem.

Users can use CQT to access advanced analytics capabilities and data on the Covalent platform. This enables users to execute queries and obtain specific datasets. Additionally, CQT is used as an incentive for network participants such as node operators and data providers.

7. Phala Network (PHA)

Phala Network is a privacy-focused decentralized cloud computing platform that aims to protect user data and ensure privacy. The project strives to provide a secure and trusted environment for data sharing and processing, with user privacy at its core. Using confidential computing and trusted execution environments (TEE), users can securely share and process data without compromising their privacy. Phala Network provides a solution to the privacy challenges faced by many dApps, giving users full control over their data.

The token of Phala Network, the PHA token, acts as a means of payment for using privacy-focused services and infrastructure on the platform. Users need to pay PHA to access confidential computing and protect their data. Additionally, PHA is used as an incentive for network participants such as node operators and stakers.

8. Cortex (CTXC)

Cortex is a decentralized artificial intelligence (AI) platform that focuses on accelerating the development and deployment of AI models. The project aims to provide an infrastructure on which developers can build, train, and deploy AI models using blockchain technology. Cortex utilizes a distributed AI model inference network, where tasks are executed in parallel by connected nodes. This enables more efficient and faster AI models while ensuring transparency and security.

The CTXC token plays a significant role within Cortex's ecosystem. Users can utilize the AI services and infrastructure on the platform by using CTXC. By staking CTXC, users can train, deploy, and use AI models. Developers of AI models are rewarded for creating and sharing models, and node operators earn CTXC for providing computing power and infrastructure to the network.

9. Oasis Network (ROSE)

Oasis Network is a decentralized platform that focuses on ensuring privacy and data ownership for users. The project aims to provide a privacy-focused and scalable infrastructure for the development and deployment of dApps. Using confidential computing and privacy-preserving technologies, Oasis Network ensures that users have full control over their data and can safely interact within the decentralized ecosystem. This opens up new possibilities for data-intensive applications such as financial services, healthcare, and digital identity.

ROSE can be used to pay for services and infrastructure on the Oasis Network platform. Users need to pay ROSE to use dApps, share data, and perform transactions within the network. Additionally, ROSE is also used as an incentive for network participants such as node operators and validators.

10. Numeraire (NMR)

Numeraire is a decentralized platform that aims to improve predictive models and foster collaboration among data scientists. The project aims to create a community of data scientists who can compete and collaborate to develop the most accurate and profitable predictive models. Numeraire uses blockchain technology and cryptography to ensure the privacy and security of participants. The platform regularly organizes prediction tournaments where data scientists can test their models, and the best models are rewarded.

The NMR token has various functions on the Numeraire platform, including governance. NMR serves as a governance token that allows holders to participate in the decision-making process of the platform. NMR acts as a reward for data scientists participating in tournaments and contributing to the development of high-quality predictive models. The best models are rewarded with NMR.